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To "break bread" is to have a meal with someone; there are connotations of seeing to it that everyone is fed. We believe that the lending process should be a wholesome experience, much like sharing a warm loaf of bread over a dinner table together. We endeavor to understand our clients’ needs, ensuring that there is a team around them to facilitate their success. Break Bread Lending believes that there is enough bread to go around, and that no family should have to go without.


Percent Higher Approval Rate


Funds Distributed in USD

Yes, we are able to get funds into your account as soon as today.

We have a personalized approach to every client. Since everyone's financial history is unique to them, we like to structure deals that are best suited to each clients individual situation. We want our clients to be successful, and not dragged down by bad rates and terms.

Absolutely! Because we rely on private funding rather than banking institutions, when the banks say no, we can say yes!

Our work process

Why break bread with us?

Private Capital with Ethical Standards

At our company, we pride ourselves on offering private capital solutions that uphold the highest ethical standards. Unlike traditional financial institutions or predatory lenders, our capital is sourced from private investors who share our commitment to ethical lending practices. - Transparency and Fairness: We believe in transparent and fair lending practices, ensuring that borrowers understand the terms and conditions of their loans without hidden fees or deceptive practices. - Ethical Underwriting Criteria: Our underwriting criteria prioritize responsible lending, taking into account borrowers' financial circumstances, repayment capacity, and long-term financial well-being. - Community Impact: By choosing our private capital, borrowers can rest assured that their financing supports ethical business practices and contributes positively to the community.tively to the community.

Opposition to Predatory Practices

We are deeply troubled by the prevalence of predatory practices within the lending industry and are committed to combating such unethical behavior. - Zero Tolerance for Predatory Practices: Unlike many other lenders, we vehemently oppose predatory lending practices, such as exorbitant interest rates, hidden fees, and coercive tactics aimed at exploiting borrowers. - Advocacy for Borrower Rights: We advocate for borrower rights and actively work to protect vulnerable individuals from predatory lending schemes, offering fair and accessible financing solutions. - Empowering Borrowers: Our approach empowers borrowers by providing them with transparent information, personalized support, and alternatives to predatory lending options.

Personalized Service and Human Connection

At our company, we understand that borrowers are more than just numbers on a spreadsheet. We prioritize building genuine relationships and offering personalized service tailored to each borrower's unique needs. - Human-Centered Approach: We believe in taking a human-centered approach to lending, treating each borrower with dignity, respect, and empathy throughout the lending process. - Accessibility and Support: Our team is dedicated to providing responsive and attentive support, guiding borrowers through every step of the lending journey and addressing their concerns with care and compassion. - Long-Term Partnerships: We view lending as a partnership rather than a transaction, fostering long-term relationships built on trust, communication, and mutual respect.

In summary, our commitment to private capital with ethical standards, opposition to predatory practices, and personalized service distinguishes us as the preferred choice for individuals seeking private lending solutions. With us, borrowers can access financing that aligns with their values and empowers them to achieve their financial goals with integrity and peace of mind.


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Clients Testomonial

Unleashing the power of
your business

Working with Break Bread Lending was a standout experience. Their personable, transparent approach and quick, attentive service set them apart—no pushy sales tactics, just tailored solutions.

Andrew K


Break Bread Lending saved the day for my business when we needed funding urgently. Their swift response and support in the 11th hour were invaluable—truly a lifesaver!

Tyler H


When banks say no, we break bread!

We get our clients money through private lending. We have access to large amounts of capital, and don't have to rely on the banks for theirs. This allows us to provide lending for the 80% or more of business owners that the banks turn away. To "break bread" means to have a meal with someone, breaking off pieces of your loaf of bread to ensure that everyone is fed. Bread is also a double entendre for money. Couple the two together, and you have our company's mission. We believe that the money lending process should be a wholesome event much like sharing a warm loaf of bread for dinner. We achieve this by really understanding our clients needs, and making sure that there is a team around them to ensure their success. Break Bread Lending believes that there is enough bread to go around, and that no family should have to go without. We aim to give our clients a personable, pleasant lending experience, and forge life-long partnerships with them. When the banks turn you away, we let you in.

  • Fast Funding
  • Personalized Process
  • Private Capital
  • Family Owned

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